Location 3358 - Canfield Route 224 & 11 GetGo Cafe' & Market Fuel Station
4590 Boardman Canfield Rd
Canfield, OH 44406
(330) 967-7146
Person Completing this Report
Is the team completing the Hourly Prevention Sanitation checklist? Yes
Are the lids on the dumpster closed? Yes
Does this Location have a kitchen? Yes
Are all products below fill lines? Yes
Are the cutting boards free of deep cuts and build up? Yes
Are all products tagged with an expiration date? Yes
Are all products in Makelines and Kitchen area not expired? Yes
Products free of any chemical or biological contamination? Are supplies stored inverted? Yes
Is Sub shop area clean and free of debris? Yes
Are ceiling tiles and vents free of dust build up? Yes
Are Makeline refrigerator gaskets free of debris and tears? Yes
Verify MTO Icebin is free of mold/slime. Yes
Are MTO Smoothie machines free of mold/slime. Yes
Is the Handwashing sink Stocked and is the Water coming up to temp (100 Degrees) within 60 seconds? Yes
Are potentially contaminated hands washed using hot water for 20 seconds, dried with disposable towel used to shut off water. Yes
Are food handled properly for Time and Temp abuse?
Below 41 degrees in makelines and Great to Go case (Temp Wings!)
Is proper uniform/PPE being worn?
Hairnets, Masks, Non-slip Shoes, Gloves, Beard Nets should be work

Jewelry should be limited to plain rings, no lanyards
Are all pans and utensils clean and in good condition? No sticker residue? Yes
Are they stored correctly? No wet stacking, utensils stored in the same direction and not jumbled? Yes
Is Hierarchy of Food Storage being followed, No raw product over ready to eat food, chemicals stored away from food Yes
Verify Sanitizer Concentration in 3 bay sink and Spray Bottle(s) are within concentration guidelines. Yes
Are all BiBs within date, are the dates circled? Yes
Is the site free of pest activity? Yes
Have Temp checks been completed regularly?
Allowed 2 misses in the last 7 days.
Are all drains being maintained and cleaned? Check drain log is filled out daily.
Walk In Cooler/Freezer
Are all Cooler items tagged with an expiration date? Yes
Are all items in Walk in Cooler within date? Yes
Hierarchy of Food Storage being followed?
Items in progress are covered with WIP and dates written on top.
Are all items in the Freezer dated according to policy? Yes
Are all toilets/urinals (seat, bowl, handle, base) clean and free from visible debris? Yes
All doors, handles, counters, stall locks, and changing tables free from visible debris and graffiti? Yes
Are all soap dispensers and hand drying equipment in working order and stocked with product? Yes
Are the floors free from standing water and debris? Yes
Are trash cans and feminine receptacles below half full and not overflowing? Do they have lids? Yes
Sales Floor
Hot hold is free of expired items? Yes
Hot hold is clean and free of food spills and grease build up? Yes
All items in the GnG case are not expired? Yes
Donut case is clean, free of spills and sugar stains? Yes
Are all bakery items within date? No
Are fountain ice chutes free of slime and mold? Yes
Are fountain nozzles and backsplash free of slime/build up? Yes
Is the beverage bar area including all cabinets and trash cans clean and free of standing water, debris or organic material? Yes
Goodwest Creamer Machine temping below 41 degrees? Yes
Are all dairy products within date? Be sure to check creamer pumps, milk products, and good west creamers. Yes
Eggs are not stored above other product, and are in date? Yes
Total Score (100%): 97.56