Food Safety + Cleanliness Audit (EcoSure Practice)

Location Harvard Square
39 JFK St
Cambridge, MA 02138
Date April 20, 2021
Managers on Duty
Tek Binadi
Mike Millea
General Information
how do you want to list this info, will there be different versions or will we just edit this one
Demonstration of Knowledge Shown
1.1.1 Manager is food safety certified Yes
Multiple Choice
1.1.2 Food Handler Certificates available where required Yes
Multiple Choice
All captains except Gladis Servsafe certified, will schedule exam with Samantha
Sufficient Record Keeping
1.2.4 Freshsense, Zenput and final cooking logs are completed as required No
Multiple Choice Other (detail in notes)
Sunday 4/18 AM Disciplines missed also PM line check. PM oven logs not completed, one sensor front line not responding. Tek has reached out to Digi for assistance activating fob 2/23 with follow up on 2/26 still awaiting reply. Tek will call them today.
General Demonstration of Knowledge
1.4.1 Health Department Permit available Yes
Multiple Choice
1.4.2 Previous Health Department Inspection is available Yes
Multiple Choice
1.4.3 All critical findings on previous Health Department Inspection have been corrected N/A
Multiple Choice
1.4.3a Date of last Health Department Inspection January 15, 2020
1.4.3b Result of last Health Department Inspection Pass/Fail
1.4.4 Manager can demonstrate knowledge of the 8 major allergens Yes
Multiple Choice
1.4.5 Manager can demonstrate knowledge of allergen SOP Yes
Multiple Choice
1.4.6 Anti-choking signage present and visible Yes
Multiple Choice
12.1.1 Prep of specified items not observed during evaluation Yes
Multiple Choice
Employee Health
Wellness checks complete
Good Employee Health Yes
2.1.1 No sick/symptomatic food handler(s) at work Yes
Multiple Choice
2.1.2 Manager aware of and can access Employee Health Policy Yes
Multiple Choice
2.1.3 Proper written procedures for clean-up of vomiting and diarrheal events are available Yes
Multiple Choice
2.1.3a a A fully stocked biohazard kit (or proper disinfectants, personal protective equipment, and needed equipment) available for response to clean-up of vomiting and diarrheal events. Yes
Multiple Choice
Good Hyigenic Practices
All TM’s appear to be practicing good hygiene, clean hands and nails, hair all neatly under hair nets
Proper Eating, Drinking, or Tobacco Use
3.1.1 No smoking, gum or tobacco in food service area Yes
Multiple Choice
3.1.2 Proper drinking/eating in food service area Yes
Multiple Choice
Employees food kept on shelf going downstairs
Personal Cleanliness
3.2.1 Gloves and bandages available at facility No
Multiple Choice Bandages are not available in the restaurant.
3.2.2a Hair is properly restrained; Hair net worn by all team members Yes
Multiple Choice
3.2.2b Beard guards are worn for beards 1/4" or longer in length N/A
Multiple Choice
3.2.3 All staff is wearing clean uniforms and aprons Yes
Multiple Choice
Health Department Good Hygenic Practices
3.3.1 No jewelry worn on arms or hands except plain ring (i.e. wedding band) Yes
Multiple Choice
Preventing Contamination by Hands
Observed one TM hand wash properly
Clean Hands, Properly Washed
4.1.1.Proper handwashing procedure Yes
Multiple Choice
4.1.2 Handwashing at appropriate times Yes
Multiple Choice
Observed second TM wash hands and change gloves between tasks
No Bare Hand Contact with Ready-to-Eat Foods / Exemption when Applicable
4.2.1 When gloves are required, food handlers do not contact ready-to-eat foods with bare hand Yes
Multiple Choice
4.2.2 Single-use gloves used properly Yes
Multiple Choice
4.2.3 Fingernails are clean and trimmed; no nail polish or artificial nails are worn Yes
Multiple Choice
No polish or artificial nails observed
Handwashing Facilities are Adequate
4.3.1 Handwashing sink accessible, usable Yes
Multiple Choice
4.3.2 Handwashing sink used only for handwashing Yes
Multiple Choice
4.3.3 Handwashing sinks are clean Yes
Multiple Choice
4.3.4 Soap available at all handwashing sinks Yes
Multiple Choice
4.3.5 Single use towels/heated-air or high-velocity hand drying device present at all handwashing sinks Yes
Multiple Choice
4.3.6 Trash can within arms reach of hand sink No
Multiple Choice One or more hand sink observed without trash can nearby
4.4.1 Handwashing reminder sign at all sinks Yes
Handwashing signs are not posted where required.
4.4.2 Covered waste container available in women's restroom Yes
Copy of Handwashing signs are not posted where required.
Hand wash sink in dish area no trash can
Approved Source
Food Obtained From Approved Source
5.1.1 Food supplies are from an approved source Yes
Multiple Choice
5.2.3 Food packages are not received expired Yes
Multiple Choice
All product in approved packages, no expired products
Protection from Contamination
All products stored at least 6 inches of floor
Contamination Prevented in Food Storage and During Preparation
6.1.1 Proper use of zoning in storage No
Multiple Choice Improper zoning in coolers
6.1.2 Food stored in packages, covered containers, or wrappings Yes
Multiple Choice
6.1.3 Food and food contact items stored in appropriate locations (non-disposables) Yes
Multiple Choice
6.1.4 Food packages and cans in good condition, damaged products are segregated Yes
Multiple Choice
6.1.5 Cross contamination prevented during food storage and preparation No
Multiple Choice Other (Go to Notes)
6.1.7 Concentration of fruit and vegetable wash meets manufacturer's standards Yes
Multiple Choice
6.1.7a Was the store auto-dispensing fruit and vegetable wash or mixing themselves (free pouring)? Yes
6.1.8 Appropriate fruit and vegetable wash test strips available, and not damaged Yes
Multiple Choice
6.1.6 Equipment, utensils and food contact surfaces cleaned and sanitized at proper times. Yes
Multiple Choice
Raw sweet potatoes stored under cases of romaine, expired products
Food Utensils In-Use Are Stored Properly
6.2.1 Food utensils in use are stored properly No
Multiple Choice Other
Clean utensils stored with food debris still on them
Food Contact Surfaces are Properly Constructed/Cleanable
6.3.1 Utensils/equipment food contact surfaces are in good repair Yes
Multiple Choice
6.3.2 Utensils/equipment/contact surfaces proper type Yes
Multiple Choice
Unsafe Foods are Not Re-Served or Are Discarded
6.4.1 Contaminated/unwrapped/returned foods are not served to customers Yes
Multiple Choice
Proper Single Use and Self-Service Items
6.5.1 Foods on display stored protected Yes
Multiple Choice
6.5.2 Single service/use items properly stored and used Yes
Multiple Choice
Food Contact Surfaces Clean and Sanitized
6.6.3 Proper concentration of chemical sanitizing at 3 part sink Yes
Multiple Choice
Product & PPM:
6.6.4 Proper concentration of chemical sanitizing for dishwashing machine N/A
Multiple Choice
Product & PPM:
6.6.4a All food contact surfaces are washed through the dish machine (if present) N/A
Multiple Choice
6.6.5 Food Contact Surfaces cleaned and sanitized Yes
Multiple Choice
6.6.8 Cleaning agent and sanitizers are present and readily available for use Yes
Multiple Choice
Proper Warewashing Facility Available
6.7.1 3-compartment sinks present/sufficient size/used properly Yes
Multiple Choice
6.7.2a Sanitizer solution test strips available and not damaged Yes
Multiple Choice
6.7.2b Chlorine test strips available for dish washing machine and not damaged N/A
Multiple Choice
6.7.3 Equipment/utensils air-dried before stacking Yes
Multiple Choice
Proper storage to allow water runoff
Proper Use/Storage of Wiping Cloths
6.8.1 Wiping cloths used properly Yes
Multiple Choice
6.8.2 Wiping cloths stored properly and are at the proper concentration (per manufacturer specifications); spray bottles at proper concentration. No
Multiple Choice Sanitizer solution and/or wiping cloths have food debris and/or visible soil.
Product & PPM:
Sanitizer at oven station not submerged towel, towel soiled
Health Department Protection From Contamination
6.9.1a All non-food contact surfaces are clean Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.1b All non-food contact surfaces are cleanable and in good repair Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.1c Dishwasher maintained clean N/A
Multiple Choice
6.9.1d Dishwasher in good repair N/A
Multiple Choice
6.9.2a Floors and drains maintained clean Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.2b Floors and drains cleanable and in good repair Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.2c Walls maintained clean No
Multiple Choice Customer area walls not maintained clean
6.9.2d Walls cleanable and in good repair Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.2e Ceilings maintained clean Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.2f Ceilings cleanable and in good repair Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.3a Vents and exhaust hoods are clean No
Multiple Choice Vents/exhaust hoods have excessive visible build-up that prevents them from properly ventilating.
6.9.3b Vents and exhaust hoods in good repair Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.4a All gaskets on refrigeration are clean No
Multiple Choice Gaskets have build-up of dirt or debris
6.9.4b All gaskets on refrigeration are in good repair Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.5a Light fixtures are clean Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.5b All lighting sources are properly shielded or shatter-proof in areas where food, service utensils and equipment are stored or prepared. Lighting is adequate. Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.6a Trash receptacles are maintained clean No
Multiple Choice Trash receptacles have build-up beyond normal operating levels
6.9.6b Trash receptacles back of house are of sufficient availability/capacity Yes
Multiple Choice
6.9.7 Dumpster area is regularly cleaned and free of excess debris; dumpster plug is in place No
Multiple Choice Dumpster area not properly cleaned; debris present.
6.9.8 Dumpster and outdoor garbage container lids are kept closed and are in good repair. Yes
Multiple Choice
Food debris on wall outside of dish (customer area), hood vents need to be cleaned, gasket in beverage cooler dirty, trash receptacle by ice machine has dried up dressing on inside, trash area needs to be swept
Time/Temperature Control for Safety (TCS)
Proper Cooking, Time and Temperature Requirements Met
7.1.1 Raw animal foods cooked to proper internal cooking temperature Yes
Multiple Choice
Name of Device
Product & Temp:
Appropriate Cooling Procedures in Place
7.3.1 TCS foods ≤ 70°F within 2 hours of cooling Yes
Multiple Choice
7.3.2 TCS foods ≤ 40°F within 4 hours of cooling Yes
Multiple Choice
7.3.3 Food prepped at room temperature is done quickly in small batches. Reconstituted foods/salad and sandwich ingredients are cooled ≤41°F within 4 hours [Effective 8/8/19: ≤ 40°F within 4 hours] Yes
Multiple Choice
7.3.4 Proper cooling methods in use N/A
Multiple Choice
Not observed but TM on oven was able to explain proper cooling techniques
Proper Hot Holding Requirements Met
7.4.1 Items in hot holding ≥140°F Yes
Multiple Choice
7.4.3 Hot holding equipment properly functioning Yes
Multiple Choice
Proper Cold Holding Requirements Met
7.5.1 TCS foods held in cold holding ≤ 40°F Yes
Multiple Choice
7.5.3 Cold-holding equipment properly functioning. Yes
Multiple Choice
Time as a Public Health Control (Procedures/Records)
7.6.1 Products are time and date labeled when time is used as a control (including greens or products using TPHC on an emergency basis) Yes
Multiple Choice
7.6.2 No product using time as a control is expired when Time is a Public Health Control. Yes
Multiple Choice
7.6.3 Written procedures available for time used as a control Yes
Unit cannot produce any written procedures for time used as a control.
Appropriate Date Marking and Disposition Procedures
7.7.1a Prepared, opened and ready-to-eat TCS foods properly date labeled Yes
Multiple Choice
7.7.1b Open non-TCS foods properly date labeled once removed from original packaging Yes
Multiple Choice
7.7.4 Products removed from original container are name labeled Yes
Multiple Choice
7.7.3a No expired TCS product present Yes
Multiple Choice
7.7.3b No expired non-TCS product present Yes
Multiple Choice
Accurate Thermometer Available
7.8.1 Accurate food thermometer present Yes
Multiple Choice
Proper Thawing Procedures
7.9.1 Items properly thawed/slacked Yes
Multiple Choice
Health Department Time and Temperature Control for Safety
7.10.1 Freshsense temperature monitoring on all refrigeration units. No
Multiple Choice Not present
7.10.2 All products are stored first-in, first-out or based on manufacturer's dating. Yes
Multiple Choice
Front line drawer sensor non operational
All chemicals stored in basement away from food
Approved Chemicals Present, Used
8.1.1 Only institutional/food-grade/company approved chemicals used Yes
Multiple Choice
8.1.2 Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available for all chemicals (formerly MSDS) Yes
Multiple Choice
Chemicals/Toxic Substances Properly Identified, Stored, Used
8.2.1 Chemicals properly labeled Yes
Multiple Choice
8.2.2 Chemicals properly stored Yes
Multiple Choice
8.2.3 Pesticides applied by approved personnel only Yes
Multiple Choice
8.2.4 Containers previously used for chemicals not used for food storage Yes
Multiple Choice
8.2.5 Rodent bait is contained in a covered, tamper-resistant bait station Yes
Multiple Choice
8.2.6 First aid supplies/employee medication properly labeled and stored to prevent contamination Yes
Multiple Choice
First aid supplies need to be restocked
Insects/Rodents/Animals not Present
10.1.1 No pest activity observed Yes
Multiple Choice
10.1.2 Insect control devices installed to prevent contamination Yes
Multiple Choice
Two large black flies observed in basement
Health Department Insects/Rodents/Animals
10.2.1 Pest activity is prevented through proper sealing of outer openings and the elimination of harborage conditions Yes
Multiple Choice
10.2.2 Previous Pest Inspection is available Yes
Multiple Choice
10.2.3 All recommendations on previous pest inspection have been corrected Yes
Multiple Choice
Hole patched in utility room
Right front door still dragging on concrete. KGB has addressed this but issue is not resolved. Will reissue work order.
Critical Water Service
11.1.1 No sewage backed-up into facility; no water service. Yes
Multiple Choice
Plumbing Properly Installed; Proper Back Flow Devices
11.2.1 Hot and cold water are available at facility Yes
Multiple Choice
11.2.3 Back flow prevention or air gap present at all sinks and beverage dispensers Yes
Multiple Choice
Adequate Toilet Facilities
11.3.1 Minimum of one functioning toilet available in the facility Yes
Multiple Choice
Health Department Sewage and Plumbing
11.4.1 All plumbing in good repair Yes
Multiple Choice
General Facility
11.5.1 Employee clothing and personal items are properly stored. Yes
Multiple Choice
11.5.2 Maintenance tools (mops, brooms and similar items) are properly stored/in good condition and proper type Yes
Multiple Choice
Total Point Lost -28
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