Leadership EcoSure Food Safety Shop

Location 06296 - Kirkman
5400 South Kirkman Road
Orlando, FL 32819
Manager Completing Food Safety Checklist
All Food Safety Supplies present & in good working condition. Verify that all supplies are available.
Verify Pyrometer is Paired 32.4 °F
Back up needle probe present No
Chlorine strips stocked & not expired Yes
Spray Bottles properly labeled Yes
Back Sink Test strips stocked and not expired Yes
Service Area Cooler Checks
Temperature Check of Creamer #1 Yes
Temperature of Creamer #1 35.8 °F
Photo of Cream Dispenser
Daily Digital Food Safety book Verification with all needed signatures.
Digital Food Safety 100% Complete Yes
Daily checklist complete and correct temp and Signatures Yes
Photo of Digital Food Safety Screen 100% (In Green)
Verify Previous Health Department Inspection compliance and previous violations.
Check previous violations corrected No
Quiz managers on BIG 6 Yes
Which Manager did you ask?
Disease/allergen sheet kept in front of binder Yes
Manager Knowledgable on Non food spills procedures Yes
Shift Manager Knowledge Shift Manager does not know procedures
Hand Sinks Hot Water Verification
Hot water is at or above (100°F) Sink #1 102.9 °F
Hot water is at or above (100°F) Sink #2 100.9 °F
Hot water is at or above (100°F) Sink #3 103.8 °F
Does Your Restaurant Have Hand Sink #4? Yes
Hot water is at or above (100°F) Sink #4 111.0 °F
Does Your Restaurant Have Hand Sink #5? Yes
Hot water is at or above (100°F) Sink #5 102.1 °F
Mens Restroom Hand Sink -- Handicap Stall: 100.5 °F
Mens Restroom Hand Sink -- Main Hand Sink: 107.8 °F
Womens Restroom Hand Sink -- Main Hand Sink: 100.5 °F
Womens Restroom Hand Sink -- Handicap Stall: 104.4 °F
Verify that All Hand Sinks are Properly Stocked
All Sinks have Paper towels No
All Sinks have hand Soap Yes
All Hand Sinks have a Hand washing only sign (no food/drink/towel) Yes
Is there a Hourly hand wash system in place Yes
Briefly Describe the Hand washing Tracking System
Track on Headsets
Verify that All Hand Sinks are Properly Stocked
All Towel Buckets have enough Concentration (check with strip) Yes
All Towel Buckets have a 2hour hold time Yes
Are there enough Towels in rotation (72) Yes
Photo of Tested Towel Buckets
2 of 4 sinks did not have paper towels
Verify Key Production Food Safety Requirements
What is the Minimum Internal Temperature for Regular Meat (10:1)?
Said 165
What is the Minimum Internal Temperature for Fresh Beef (4:1)?
Said 165
What is the Minimum Internal Temperature of Filet O Fish?
Did not know
What is the Minimum Internal Temperature of Fried Chicken Products?
Said 160
UHC Trays Free of Product Build up? Yes
Provide a Photo of UHC Trays (Minimum 3)
Provide Photo of UHC Fried Product Trays (Minimum 3)
UHC Trays Clean & Sanitized every 4 hours Yes
Are there enough Blue Gloves in stock Yes
Provide 2 Photos of areas that Blue Gloves are stocked in the Production area
Crew know to only use Blue Glove for Raw Products Yes
White Gloves present & used properly Yes
Prep Table and Prep area are fully stocked Yes
Prep Table Holding Times in Place? No
Provide Photo of Prep Table Timing System.
Ensure Crew are NOT Double Gloving -- Blue Gloves cannot go over White Gloves Yes
Times and Temperature are within holding time on the Prep Table No
Back of the House Verifications
Verify Water Filters properly dated Including R/O Yes
What is the date of expiration of the Water Filters August 21, 2021
All Chemicals used & properly stored Yes
Chemicals are Stored away from foods and contact surfaces Yes
Dishwasher sanitizer is at proper strength Yes
What is Missing to ensure Dishwasher is 100% Operational?
Dishwasher is Clean and Free of Build Up. Look inside the unit around the corners and sprayer. Yes
Sink sanitizer is at proper strength Yes
Only McD approved chemicals in use Yes
Walk In Freezer at or below 0°F Yes
Walk In Freezer NOT at or below 0°F
Photo of Freezer Digital Thermometer
Walk In Cooler Temperature Verification
Probe a Block of Cheese and Verify Temperature is within guideline 37.0 °F
Photo of Cooler Digital Thermometer (On Outside of Cooler)
Verification of Pest Presence
Any there any visible signs of pest presence No
Are all Doors sealed with no light gaps Yes
Provide Photo of Back Door for Light Gaps
Verify last Service report Yes
Verify Cleanliness of Following:
Main Ice Machine No
Dining Room Drink Tower Nozzles Yes
Dining Room Drink Station Ice Chute Yes
Shake Machine No
ABS Nozzle Yes
ABS Ice Chute No
OJ Nozzle Yes
Creamer Nozzle Clean and Cut at right Angle Yes
Manager Signature

Overall Visit comments/observations:
Use documents posted as reference- Suzanne was very adaptive and attentive.
Mid-Manager Responsible for Restaurant: Mark Sherbondy